How to tips and tricks for Microsoft Visual Studio .net

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Simplifying the ExecuteNonQuery Method

Tagging onto the last post, I have another two functions that make my life easier...

You still need to pick up a connection string from your Web.Config for both of these functions:

Public static string GetConnectionString()


return System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["sqlConnectionString"];


Simplifying the ExecuteNonQuery Method:

public static String ExecuteNonQuery(String lvCommand)


// This will execute a SQL Command (Update or Insert Into) and will return the number of records String lvReturn = "0";

// Setup your connection to your database

SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString());

// Create a SQLCommand object

SqlCommand lvSQL = new SqlCommand(lvCommand, cn);



// Open a connection to your database


// Execute your query

lvReturn = lvSQL.ExecuteNonQuery().ToString();


catch (Exception ex)


// If there is an error set lvReturn to "0"

lvReturn = "0";




// Whatever happens, check to see if the connection is still open and if it is, close it

if (cn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)





// Return the number of records affected

return lvReturn;


To use the function, call it like this...

String lvCommand = "Update A_Table Set A_Field = 'The String' Where AnotherField = 'Another String'";

Int32 lvAffectedRowCount = Int32.Parse(ExecuteScalar(lvCommand));

Again, Pretty simple.

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